Children get the summer, but parents/guardians don't. Many families use camps to have adult supervision and keep the kiddos busy. The expenses can be used as a credit for the ad
ult who is claiming the child or dependent. How do you know if you qualify? Here are the qualifications:
If you can claim the child as a dependent and the child was under the age of 13 while at camp.
Or the person is a dependent who resided with you for more than half of the year and wasn't physically or mentally able to care for him/herself. This includes a spouse or qualifying relative (see definition of qualifying relative.
You must have had earned income. Generally this includes only taxable income. If you are filing as a married couple, then both of you must have had taxable income or one spouse was looking for work or unable to care for themselves or the dependents.
It must be a work-related expense. This means that you were using the daycare, camp, or after school care so that you could work or look for work. You can also be a full time student to claim this credit.
You cannot claim married filing separately.
You must have all of the important information of the camp or care provider: name, address, and either the Employment Identification Number (EIN) or the social security number of the individual that provided care.